Centre of the community for Europe and all over the world
53 members
This is where our network of contacts as a Benedictine community has its anchor. The centre offers to the members of the community a place for living, for encounters and spiritual exchange. An oasis of silence, it encourages them to pray, to celebrate the liturgy and to grow spiritually. The centre of the community is a privileged place for recreation and the renewal of strength in the demands of work and daily life. It also offers a home in old age and sickness.
In addition, it provides management and administrative tasks for the entire community.
Management and administrative tasks within the community
- seat of the management and meeting place of the Central Council
- administration for the community as well as its missionary work
- home for sick and elderly members of the community
- holiday home for the members
- location for internal events
- reception of guests
- administrative tasks, catering, maintenance of house and grounds
- a small self-catering guesthouse offers lodging for visitors and a place for reflection and spiritual breaks
- community café "Foyer Kupferberg"
- spiritual accompaniment and counselling
- Quiet Garden Kupferberg
Voluntary participation in parish and social activities
- voluntary service in the german telephone counselling network
- aid for refugees
- collaboration in a parish project giving a once a week's lunch menu and distribution of food to people in need
- coordination tasks in the organizing of funerals in the local church community
- participation in the diocesan Conference of Religious Congregations
- participation in the Association of Secular Institutes of Germany (AGSI)